Uczelnia Badawcza ID Unia Europejska HR Excellence in Research

Business Travel Team

św. Anny 12 street, 31-008 Cracow
phone: 12 370 43 46
fax: 12 421 46 64
email: zows@cm-uj.krakow.pl


e-mail: magdalena.czekaj@uj.edu.pl
phone: 12 37 04 346
fax: 12 42 14 664 

  • Coordination of the Team’s work
  • Administrative aspects of international trips

e-mail: agnieszka.gesiarz@uj.edu.pl
phone: 12 37 04 356
fax: 12 42 14 664
room no. 21

  • Administrative support for business trips
  • Administrative support for business trips abroad

e-mail: krystyna.muzyka@uj.edu.pl 
phone: 12 37 04 356
fax: 12 42 14 664
room no. 21

  • Administrative support for business trips